Saturday, December 29, 2018

Courtesy of Monica Bessette: Pictures of Ella Hawes' Izannah Walker Doll

In doing research for her book on Izannah Walker, Monica Bessette contacted the friend who owned Ella Hawes doll to see if she could use her doll's story. As will sometimes happen in life, a question will have more than one answer. The initial question led to Monica's purchase of the doll once owned by Ella Hawes so many years ago. Monica says:

"This doll is the one featured in my article "Walker Dolls: A Family Affair" originally owned by her grandmother, Ella Hawes. Ella was born in 1861 in Virginia, but was sent north to Attleboro, MA (about 5 miles or less from Central Falls) just before the Civil War. Her mother had died, and her father sent Ella and her brother up to live with his family, along with the coffin containing his wife and youngest daughter, who had both recently passed away, to be buried in the family plot.
I've included a few photos of comparison between my first doll, Joy, and my new doll, Ella. Joy is 18" and Ella is 16". The stockinette used on Ella is a much lighter weight and smaller weave. Ella is complete with both hands and feet, but one hand is unattached." 

Enjoy the images below. Thanks, Monica, for sharing! I'm looking forward to reading Monica's book!

For fun, Monica shared a comparison 
of her two Izannah Walker dolls.
How alike, and yet different they are!


  1. Precious dolls and precious Monica. Thank you so much !

  2. Ah, that little sweet! Lovely to see the two dolls side by side, thanks for sharing


A Pictorial Directory of Dolls<br> Featured on the Izannah Walker Chronicles

My mission for this blog in 2008 was to create the site I wished existed - a site for doll makers and collectors who love Izannah Walker dol...