Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Pictorial Directory of Dolls
Featured on the Izannah Walker Chronicles

My mission for this blog in 2008 was to create the site I wished existed - a site for doll makers and collectors who love Izannah Walker dolls to see more examples for study. For many years I researched every day Izannah dolls coming to auction, and wrote auction companies asking for additional pictures. At the time there were very few images of Izannah dolls online, as auction companies didn't put their catalogs online. Sometimes I traveled to document dolls coming up for auction and shared those images here. Sometimes collectors have shared images. There are enough images on this blog to assist any student of Izannah Walker dolls. Please scroll through the back posts. Below the thumbnail images link to the posts on that particular doll. 

Read the article written by Edyth O'Neill and Dixie Redmond
Published in the 2011 Christmas Edition of Early American Life

Putting together the pictorial directory will be an ongoing process.. Some great dolls have been featured on this site over the years. Thank you to the collectors, museums, magazines and auction companies which have shared information and images over the years! 

If you have an antique Izannah Walker doll you are considering selling, please contact me at northdixie@gmail.com. 








Next Five Dolls are Carol Corson's Izannah Collection:  
(Pictures taken by me, courtesy of Withington's)


Other Articles, Documents and Other Information

Articles shared with permission from magazine senior editors.
Some of these magazines are now out of print. 

Monica Bessette
Doll News, Spring 1994

Monica Bessette
Doll News, Summer 1998

By Susan Hedrick
Summer 1998, Soft Dolls & Animals magazine

Stay tuned! This is an ongoing project to move links from the sidebar to the pictorial directory post. 


  1. what a wonderful idea, thank you always for all the izannah goodness that you do :) xxx

    1. It will take a while. I will do it year by year...

  2. Wow...what a chore, and what a great idea!

  3. What a super plan! Thanks for thinking of it, Dixie.



A Pictorial Directory of Dolls<br> Featured on the Izannah Walker Chronicles

My mission for this blog in 2008 was to create the site I wished existed - a site for doll makers and collectors who love Izannah Walker dol...